Social Events


Chitty 2

We have decided to go ahead with our visit to the Congress Theatre Eastbourne to see the musical Chitty Chitty Bang Bang on Thursday 21st November.

This is a brand-new production of the much-loved family favourite and this award-winning musical is full of unforgettable songs by the Sherman Brothers including Toot Sweets, Hushabye Mountain, Truly Scrumptious and of course the Academy Award-nominated title song, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

We have been lucky enough to obtain 30 tickets in the centre stalls for the matinee performance. As always places will be allocated on a first come first served basis so please apply very promptly to avoid disappointment. Important:

Even if you have already expressed an interest in this event with Sandra, you will still need to apply in the normal way as no places have been reserved.

The performance starts at 2 p.m., and I will be there from when the doors open at 1 p.m., to give out the tickets.

The cost for Members is £34 with Guests at £44.

Please confirm your attendance by 09/08/24. If you require an acknowledgement, please include an email address on the reply slip or enclose a SAE.

Cheques will be presented around mid-August. N.B. Final numbers will be confirmed by 19/08/24 after which, we are unable to provide any refunds.