Useful Contacts

Financial support and advice

BARCLAYS ALFRED FOSTER CHARITABLE SETTLEMENT - A Barclays charitable trust that helps employees, past and present, who find themselves in need. The charitable trust also assists children of past and present Barclays employees in areas of further education.
To contact them, quoting "U0285", either e-mail them on
or write to them at:
Charities Team
Booths Hall
Booths Park 3
Chelford Road
WA16 8GS
BANK WORKERS CHARITY (BWC) - The charity exists to help bank employees, both past and present, across the UK. This includes you as a retired Barclays employee, your partner and any dependent children. They do this by providing advice, information, expert support and, in some cases, financial help.
Their team of trained client advisors and visiting caseworkers work alongside a range of partners to provide you with specialist support.
They are also independent of the banks and confidential.
Call BWC in confidence on their free helpline: 0800 0234 834, e-mail them at or find out more by visiting
HOUSEHOLD ENERGY - A service that recommends home improvements that could make your property cheaper to heat and keep warm. To contact them, telephone 0800 098 7950, or visit]
FRIENDS OF THE ELDERLY - A charity that provides support for all older people, particularly those in need, due to mental or physical frailty, isolation or poverty.
Telephone 0207 730 8263 or visit
NATIONAL DEBTLINE - Free confidential and independent advice on how to deal with debt problems. Telephone 0808 808 4000 or visit
TURN2US - A charity that helps people in financial need access welfare benefits, charitable grants and other forms of support. Telephone 0808 802 2000 or vist